少年不識累滋味。 香港是國際級的金融城市,卻仍未是一流的文化藝術都會,那如何培養人才?說是簡單的:提供優秀的教育、包容的環境,把才華小鳥放離這置錐之地,看看世界,呼吸失敗、咀嚼欺凌,然後回來,立志為香港發光發熱。放下,再擁抱,「像極了愛情」!
How Can You Take Steps To Equip Yourself To Be An International Artist―Experience As Your Reference From Hong Kong’s World Conductor Lio Kuokman (廖國敏)
23-08-20 Hong Kong’s ‘homegrown’ world-class orchestra conductor Lio Kuokman is young and energetic. He speaks like a lawyer, in fact faster, sharper and more precise than lawyers. In 2017, he finished his tenure as Assistant Conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, founded in 1900 and one of the ‘Big Five’ American orchestras. Now, he has a…