人不能自大。地球沒有你,依舊自轉,每分每秒,席不暇暖,又出了一個少年英雄。 有一位香港女孩叫曾令敏(Lilian),「草食男」喜歡的淑女,擁有高學歷,英語說得比很多英國人還標準,為了演戲的熱情,立下決心,在倫敦劇場掙扎求存。有些年輕人活得像浮泥、有些是勁草。Lilian家人在香港,支持女兒一個人在外面闖,但是「遠水不能救近火」,Lilian 在倫敦,困難是人生的胃痛。
The Lonesome Tussle of A Hong Kong St. Stephen’s Girl In London Against The Theatre World: Lilian Tsang
18-06-20 A Hong Kong girl called Lilian, alone in London for her stage actress career, has fought many battles, most beyond her control and is still fighting to survive. Everything about her sounds moving. She is a wildflower and her dreams are in the same direction but forced to ‘go with flow’. If not for…