「馬仔」是女人,香港很紅的漫畫家,真名是劉海欣。剛去中環的三聯書店,想買她的作品,店員說:「都賣光了!」馬仔的「正職」是家庭主婦,有一子一女,女兒升上小學,她更忙,和她喝茶後,她說:「趕去超市了!」 馬仔年輕,不過作品形式是傳統的「方格漫畫」,沒有長篇故事,短短幾幅的生花妙筆,雋永地描繪倫理關係、人情世故。這類漫畫最難的地方是令讀者看罷數格,會說「很動人」、「很過癮」、「很可愛」。馬仔做到了,漫畫裏的主角,頭大身小、頑皮討喜、嘴巴挑剔月旦。
Life Is Made Up Of Funny Little Things And Only The Lucky Ones Can Feel—Hong Kong Accomplished Comic Artist Maggie Lau
15-05-20 Comic books are a reflection of the happy and the sad. They also mirror the good and the bad. Comic artists tell you how they feel about the world by their characters. Mickey Mouse is happy and good. The boys of South Park are happy but bad. Spider-Man is sad but good. The Joker…