盼星星,盼月亮,盼見有性格的人。 人情債,漫山遍野,下世如何償清;每次訪問,得到朋友真誠的表白,難以報答;感謝Perry,暗香飄送。 「愛屋及烏」的相反詞,為「殃及池魚」。香港演藝史最大的「竇娥冤」發生在焦媛(Perry)身上,二十多年來,六月飛霜。
A Brave & Resilient Theatre Actress Perry Chiu(焦媛): After 40, A Woman Should Smile And Open Her Door Of Self-Acceptance
30-10-21 In the old dining hall filled with sunshine, white panelling and wood windows, Perry Chiu(焦媛)arrived and lightened the mood at my table. She wore no jewellery but serious makeup. Meticulous dressing up is a large part of her polite character. She talked in a soft and heedful manner. Her lack of pretension was markedly…
銀河約有4,000億顆恆星,為何偏偏選你? 香港人叫「幸運」做「彩」;好運,叫「好彩」,「大難不死」,叫「執番身彩」。 我同意老師吳雨所說:人的成敗,命運弄人,單憑實力,絕不足夠。「良機」由「天賜」,「時來」便「運轉」,最好前生、今生、來生,「三生有幸」。我好彩,除了律師,有兩份秘撈:「爬格子」和「打嘴炮」。
Mind Wandering: From Commercial Radio’s ‘Music Is Live’, Keung To, Tyson Yoshi, Terence Lam And Jer To The 4 Kinds Of Luck In life And My Footsteps Behind Broadcast Drive
19-10-21 Is age the enemy of popularity? Old singers are often harshly categorized as senile, old-fashioned and unattractive. ‘Ageism’ conveniently allows the younger generations to see old people as worse than themselves and so, they self-assure. In Hong Kong, stars especially singers are divisible into 3 classes: the stars of the months, old singers and…
The Work Of A Good Lawyer Was To Resolve The Ambiguity Out Of 2 Jurisdictions, Hong Kong & The Chinese Mainland: The 40 Years Of 10 Meaningful Phases Of Interaction
20-7-21 It is by speed and insight that great things are achieved. Speed is the quick seizure of opportunities. Insight is not a matter of hitting the 4 walls. It is shaped by one’s sensible judgement of the ambiguity in a given situation. I sincerely pray that young lawyers nowadays will go to the Greater…
鏡頭前後,如何「三神合一」,才能最美:香港名師Ringo Tang糅合攝影的生命觀
香港頂級攝影師Ringo活了60年,眩極,但他淡然道:「攝人是見眾生,被攝是見自己。攝影和人生,信手拈來,點到即止」 每覺醒來的清晨,來一幅自拍照,照片的你,可是自己?
The Accomplished Photographer Of Hong Kong: Ringo Tang’s Philosophy Of 3 Dimensions To Photography And Life Which Will Make You Real And Not Someone Else
28-9-21 By cause of the invention and popularity of mobile phones, we live, or are forced to live, in an extremely visual world. Photographic visual records are all around us: personal, family, school, travel memories and work events. Most of us dislike the way we look in photos, or for that matter, we dream of…
男人看男人,和女人看男人,不一樣的。 在「陰強陽弱」的香港,女人愛「脂粉男」、「小鮮肉」;男人,卻喜歡不打不相識的好兄弟,要man、不婆媽、可信賴;特別是一起運動的「死黨」,體驗「奧林匹克體育精神」:互相理解、友誼長存、團結一致、公平競爭。方力申便是這樣的一個男人,兄弟們喜歡的一個「巴打」….