A Look Inside ‘Guu-wak Boys古惑仔’: The New Theme Restaurant In Hong Kong And Do You Know The 7 Common ‘Guu-wak’ Men In Our Society?
18-05-21 I guess you may not be with me? Some good guys turned bad only after they had been cheated or exploited. It was easier to follow the dirty crowd. Make yourself wolves and you will then have sheep to eat. There is a Hong Kong expression ‘guu-wak’ (古惑). A person is ‘guu-wak’ when he…
名著《紅樓夢》,這樣形容年輕主人翁賈寶玉:「面如敷粉,唇若施脂,轉盼多情,語言常笑。天然一段風騷,全在眉梢」。 香港的廣東男人,以粗線條為主,是故,我未碰過一個如賈寶玉的少年。今天,終於遇上,他叫「牛牛」(張勝量),接近190cm高、玉樹臨風。牛牛1997年出世,膚如白玉、頭髮濃亮、手指修長、目若秋波;而且,說話輕柔自信,笑容溫文爾雅,我這老男人,坐在他身旁相比,慘絕人寰。感謝首飾名師王幼倫的介紹。 牛牛(Niu Niu) 是繼「鋼琴男神」郎朗之後,在香港紅起來的鋼琴家….
Basking In The Applause And Bows Of Thousands, The Reality Of Life Of Niu Niu—The World’s Gifted Pianist Of His Generation
28-05-21 I am blessed to be doing what I do——interviewing great people. I am always trying to find a better way to do things. Every interview has an edge. Famous people want the interview to be about their jobs. Most defend their private life and may freak out when the talk comes up with a…
我認識一位很有教養的「暖男」,聲音動聽;他最初是《東Touch》雜誌的編輯,後來是作家,現在,是成功的藝術策展者、經紀人。他叫筆華棋(Matt Chung),1988年出生,在聖約瑟書院唸到中二,去美國唸書;波士頓大學畢業後,回來香港。這裏有他的家,父親是《新報》的著名老編,媽媽是個讀書人,「亦舒」小說多得佔據了Matt的房間。 流行藝術,叫Matt進入忘我狀態,他24小時跟進kidult買家的查詢
Kidults Will Match Against The Traditional Art-world Elites—Matt Chung, A Successful Art Dealer For Kidults(傑斗) In Hong Kong
30-04-21 I pray there can be a term called ‘old-dult’, referring to the senior who are young at heart. I will sign up for this group. The prevalent description of a young person nowadays is ‘kidult’. A kidult is a young man or woman who lavishes on things meant for kids such as toys and…
難忘,兒時的元朗,它有別於香港島和九龍,是另一個地球,新界墟市的真正代表。 那慢活年代,沙田、大埔、屯門、上水,規模太少,沒有元朗的氣派;它有長長寬寬的一條市中心大道,叫大馬路,佈滿商店,像小彌敦道。雖然荃灣的核心區,比元朗大,但都是一座座的工廠、一枝枝的煙囪。在元朗,馬路後面的西洋菜田,黑臉琵鷺,向行人打招呼;在荃灣,只有烏鴉在天空盤旋。
In The Middle Of Nowhere On The New Territories Plain, The Days Of Idyllic Solitude Of Yuen Long In The 60s
14-04-20 We go back to the 60s. Yuen Long, far away from the city of Hong Kong by a 2-hour bus trip, was a quiet, beautiful and enchanting village town having a history of 600 years. At night, the shadows of the big trees fell across the only one main road and hid the infrequent…
你信緣?我信。人跟人,就算歲月逃脫,還能用手抓著的衣袖,這便是「緣分」;有緣千里能相會,無緣對面不相逢。 我和香港頂尖憲法專家陳弘毅教授是兩種性格、兩個世界;但是,在生命的東南西北,總是碰上、道別、又碰上。他父親是我藝術界前輩,他太太是我的同班同學;不散的筵席。
“Understanding A Country’s History, Philosophy And Literature Is Essential For Us In Hong Kong—Professor Albert Chen(陳弘毅教授)
24-04-21 Selfishness is the mirror in which selfness sees its own face. In the ‘Me’ generation, we are always wading in the shallow end of self-centred prides. We believe we are better. We inherently deserve special treatment and protection. We can be concerned with our stand, pleasure and interests without moral consideration for other factors…
任達華(Simon Yam)是多年朋友,我開玩笑:「你的外號應叫『一陣風』,飛這裏,飛那裏;但去到何方,都會帶著一個『秘密情人』!」 單刀直入:「很多人不知道你是攝影藝術家,過去,在台灣、泰國、香港,別人為你辦藝術展;你的第一個攝影展,遠在1990年,在馬來西亞舉行。香港藝術家林文傑十分讚賞你。」