英國人有Elton John;中國人有羅文,香港的光輝。 寫過去,似是故人來,常會感觸。人不在,情卻永在:長情者如容祖兒、如趙文海;讓羅文走得很安慰。
When A Legend Is Gone, Stories Stay—Music Leader Eddie Chiu Reveals The Myth Of The Godfather Of Hong Kong Pop: Roman Tam
15-12-20 Cantonese Opera dominated the music scene of Hong Kong in the 50s. In the 60s, ‘Cantonese film songs’ sung by popular movie stars replaced the trend, but these pieces were usually old-style and insipid. The glorious days of modern Hong Kong Pop took place in the 1970s when some upbeat and contemporary singers made…
祖國強大,香港失色,音樂市場換陣。音樂人,如天星小輪,猶豫於中環和尖沙咀之間,思索定位。 諺語「有麝自然香」,比喻有才能的人,終受器重,得到機會。另一句話是「長江後浪推前浪」,有實力的前浪,不被後浪推倒,看看影圈的曾江,1955年入行,今天仍然「有客有貨」,而後浪要真材實料,才可突破前輩,看看我的小輩朱芸編。
“International-mindedness Is Central To The Cultural Attributes Of Hong Kong”: Wan Pin Chu Who Scored Music For A Chinese Film Nezha Which Earned 700 Million USD!
7-12-2020 In 2020, China’s population is over 1.4 billion. In 2019, a film composer and Erhu(二胡)music player Wan Pin CHU(朱芸編) in Hong Kong, about 28 years old, scored music for an epic animated film Nezha(哪吒之魔童降世)which had an incredible gross box office over 700 million USD in China. When things impossible in Hong Kong are possible…
現實人生,如戲:演回自己,在自信上;去演別人,在良心上,常不知所措。 香港影視圈,有兩位修哥:胡楓和石修,皆正人君子,同在五十年代入行。胡楓入行時二十來歲,做跳舞小生;石修入行只有幾歲,做可愛童星。當年的童星,仍活躍在前線的,女的是薛家燕、男的是石修,花樣年華,不做「隔夜油條」。
6 Common Mistakes That Actors Make In Hong Kong: Shek Sau (石修)’s Tips For Acting Naturally On Camera
25-11-20 Anthony Hopkins said, “The art of acting is not to act. Once you show them more, what you show them in fact is bad acting.” Dylan Bruce remarked, “I think sometimes soap acting gets an unfair label for being bad… you learned from it what worked and didn’t work, what was bad acting and…
Romantic Prowling In Taipei—In Search Of A Dream City For Your Staycation?
01-08-20 It was said that retirement is wonderful if you have 2 essentials: much to live on and much to dream for. We belong to the golden age. We earned more than our children do nowadays. We live longer than our parents. The advantage of us being 80 years old one day is that we…
「第三空間」回憶:台北的淡樂與輕愁, staycation的好城市嗎?
下半生,想做懶鶴,東住住,西躺躺。 除了香港,最熟悉的城市是台北——朋友在那裏,法律業務曾在那裏,我的故事留在那裏。忽離忽別,誤華年。
‘In For A Penny, In For A Pound’ —— The Benevolent Adrian Cheng And His Venturesome Heritage Preservation Project ‘State Theatre’ In North Point
17-11-2020 While new buildings are faceless, old buildings have a soul and smile. It was said the old buildings sang and new buildings have no music in them. While ordinary businessmen were ambitionless, a cultural tycoon had a dream. When the senior had no art in them, a young hero already used arting up to…
錢幣有兩面,有人說錢是「萬能」;有人說它「萬惡」,我說:「還有第三面:萬民。」如果花錢,能夠利澤「萬民」,那是光榮和福氣。 在美國,有群「超級富豪」聯盟叫「Patriotic Millionaires」,包括迪士尼的後人Abigail Disney、Oscar Mayer的Chuck Collins,要求政府向他們富貴人家,徵收高稅,以減低社會不公義;其中一個說:「就算用稅來歸還社會,我仍然擁有兩架飛機。」另一位說:「私人做善事,和政府多些資源,是完全兩回事!」