世人認為:真醜,便是假;假美,才算是真。四位名演員,如何美得真材實料? 有兩種美:現實生活中的美和電影作品上的美,屏幕上的東西才不在於仿製真實,而是製造美麗錯覺!
“Stars, Too, Were Time Travellers. The 4 Great Stars That I Have Worked With And Salute.” ——The Respected Film Art Director Of Hong Kong Bill Lui
06-11-20 In film, an ‘Art Director’(美術指導)works directly below the ‘Production Designer’(美術總監) and a large part of his duties are the administrative aspects of the art department. The Production Designer is the superior individual responsible for the overall look and tone of the film project. He works with the art director, set dresser, prop master and…
「花開堪折直須折」,我的梨樹不開花;既然夢想無花,懶折枝,托著頭,故花瓶一直空著。 曾經喜歡音樂劇,達到迷戀級別。我像劉姥姥,音樂劇就像大觀園,這地方充滿巧妙。《紅樓夢》中的姥姥,滑跤倒地,尚可爬起來,我怕投資音樂劇後,會損兵折將,崩壞不起。三十多年來,音樂劇跟我不斷擦身而過。吔,是它引誘我的。
許碏,古代高陽人,才子,別人在吟詩作對,他卻自尋煩惱,跑到懸崖峭壁,為的是在石頭寫下「許碏尋到此」;有一天,他告訴別人,我是天仙,下凡作酒狂,別人都詫異,但見他滿頭插著鮮花,升上彩雲。 人,追夢,有些向上尋、有些向下尋;但是,上有下洞、下有上門,誰勝誰負,誰曉得?
Raymond Young: Sweets And Bitters Of Being A Singer, As Contrasted With His Former High-level Official Role
05-10-20 If we can inspire ourselves to dream more, learn more, try more and become more, we will be an inspiration for other people. Many in Hong Kong are enjoying their uncritical satisfaction with the present ‘achievements’. Pride, if not arrogance, is often a bad companion of unrealistic perception. Complacency is vermin, more to be…
Goodbye, Hong Kong’s Love ——My 10 Fond Memories Of Dragonair
01-11-20 On 21st October 2020, Cathay Pacific announced that its Cathay Dragon would shut down after almost four decades in business. This proud aviation brand was over. People of Hong Kong felt very miserable about the demise of our city’s first truly local airline, originally known as ‘Dragonair’. In 1985, some local Chinese businessmen founded…
「Goodbye My Love,港龍」——1985年以來我的「十全十美」終結回憶
白頭宮女在。1985年,你在那裏? 2020年10月21日星期三,傳來噩耗,有35年歷史的「國泰港龍航空」(Cathay Dragon) 扛不住,即時停運,一個「香港驕傲」永久消失。看著新聞的一架架港龍飛機,像見到數十年的戰友被活埋,心都碎了!我和港龍渡過彼此的黃金歲月,見證了香港「萬丈高樓平地起」的不凡年代;可是,除了高樓,香港為咋漸漸退步。怨在深秋。
「滔滔不絕」並非好口才,「達義通理」才是。「出口成章」只算二流口才,「娓娓道來」才是真魅力。香港近年出現大量「騙子」KOL,害人不淺。 優秀的內容,加上適合的方式,以說話,有效地達成目的,這便是好口才。