因新冠肺炎,藝術家窮上加窮。我認識一個音樂師,因為肺炎疫情,賦閑在香港,但是香港市場小,那裏夠工作?於是,他咬緊牙關,寧願面對隔離十四天的痛苦,也決定飛去北京,結果,立刻接到工作,生生猛猛。藝術家,再不能只集中一個市場! 「守株待兔」,是中國人家喻戶曉的故事:一個農夫在樹下休息,這時,一隻兔子跑過,撞到大樹被擒,農夫得享大餐,此後,他不再辛勞耕種,只等待另一隻兔子出現。
The Swot Analysis Of Hong Kong Performing Arts Going Across & Abroad
09-08-20 Hong Kong is small: we have 1,106 sq. km of land and there are more mountains than surrounding flat lands. The population is about 7.5 million. The Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office reported that there are over 1,000 performing art groups in Hong Kong, staging as many as 8,000 performing art shows every year and…
金曲獎候選人關家傑:香港「主流」Cantopop將被打破, self-publication(自行出版)成就Indie獨立音樂
香港音樂,應猶在? 「新陳代謝」,代表生命的修復過程,新的取代老死。年紀大了,更需要新陳代謝,香港音樂工業老了,但是好像只有「謝」,沒有「新」?
Alan Kwan: Streaming Technology Is Changing The Way We Consume Music In Hong Kong, Bid Farewell to Cantopop And Say Hello to Indies
16-07-20 In the old days, when we loved a song, we saved pocket money and went to a music store to buy vinyl record, cassette tape and compact disc. Internet has affronted and changed human civilization. We could no longer gently ‘touch’ the songs. Now, online ‘streaming platforms’ such as Spotify offer a huge library…
世事,如跌落地上的一球毛線,如不整斷,理還亂。 以往,電影人埋怨網絡出現,把戲院的觀眾搶走;現在,肺炎疫情爆發,戲院被關掉,我們又慶幸:「幸虧網絡仍把電影播放,否則,它無處藏身!」 香港電影曾經紅遍亞洲。今天,景況淒涼,雷聲小,雨點小。
Fung Wing: Outdoor Movie? Cinematic Film? Online Movie? What’s Next To Transform Hong Kong’s Movie World?
29-06-20 It was strange. Sorrow started when online films were invading cinematic ones. When coronavirus was affecting Hong Kong, all cinemas were to close. Sorrow ends now as we are relieved to see online platforms still show the latest films. We said, “Thank God! Film was saved!” The death of Chinese abacus(算盤) is a result…
誰是唐滌生?如你張口結舌,請快吃「文化修養維他命」。 香港曾出現兩個國家級的文豪:一個是金庸,一個是唐滌生。金在2018年逝世,唐早於1959年走了,—文一武,金庸善寫武俠小說,如《射鵰英雄傳》;唐滌生精於典雅粵劇,如《帝女花》,他們的作品,為香港最寶貴的非物質文化遺產。
Never Good At Drawing? Let Ray Chow Break Your Padlock: Why Should You Paint?
15-07-20 Movie star Karena Lam(林嘉欣)once said, “I love art. I can see a lot of fascinating possibilities from a drawing.” Drawing is the art of representing, perhaps interpreting, an object, a scene or even a dream; or outlining a figure, plan or sketch by means of lines, colours and rendering of light and shadow. Does…
家長問:「小朋友學什麼藝術好?」我說:「跳舞吧!」 跳舞好處多:享受美麗音樂、身體在運動、腦袋學習協調、面部在做戲,有些表演,舞蹈員還一起唱歌。見過的舞者,如楊雲濤、梅卓燕、楊浩,走路軒昂,精神飽滿,妒忌死人!
Hey! Grooving On The Dance Floor In Hong Kong In The 1960s & 1980s
08-06-20 Dance is a box of Vosges Haut-Chocolat that brings people together with 7 joys: music, body movement, drama, artistic beauty, creativity, passion and costume ideas. The side effect of dance, particularly intimate form, is love which may arrive at a sweet marriage of a pair of partners. People may dance for money, like stage…